The social fact that people who have dense hair are better than no hair affects the opinion about alopecia. It’s not surprising that young people are frightened and anxious.
The Global Status:
According to Market Research, the global synthetic wigs market was worth $1.33167 billion in 2020. until 2027, the total sales will be $3.54037 billion. From 2021 to 2027, the composition annual rate of growth is 10.22%. Based on these statistics, people can learn that hair loss is becoming younger and younger.
Hair loss is correlated with age, according to research by scientists. 40% of males will have significant hair loss from 35. and this will be more severe with the increase of age. For 60s males, 65% of males have significant hair loss. In terms of 80s males, 80% of this group has significant hair loss.
According to a survey, 60% of bald men claim that they prefer to have dense hair than to have huge wealth and plenty of friends. What’s more, 47% of bald men questioned would trade their whole life saving for thick hair.
The Social Point:
Hair loss is an unacceptable affair to most people. Commonly, the level of handsome is positively correlated to the quantity of hair. For young people who don’t marry and have a girlfriend, hair loss is very nervous. However, this doesn’t mean hair loss is completely bad. According to an experiment by Albert E Mannes, the person interviewed thinks that the bald man looks more confident, dominant, and has leadership skills, which is perceived as the factor of success.
How To Solve:
(1) Hair Transplant
If you are stuck with your bio hair and your doctor suggests, a hair transplant is the only method up to now. Commonly, if the surgery is successful, the effect can be seen after 6-10 months. Of course, failure is also possible.
(2) Toupee
If you are completely bald, the best method you can accept is to use the hair system. As an attachment, it can cover your bald area. At Lavivid, you can choose the different stock hair systems to change your style based on your needs.
As a stock hair system, it is one of the most popular products. Multiple colors and 8 *10 base sizes can meet most people’s needs.

Besides, you can choose the customs service to cater to your headform.